Five and seven.
Two and seven.
Start with the factors. Multiply combinations of three prime factors, then combinations of five, then seven, etc. All generated numbers will be guaranteed to have an odd number of prime factors.
Forty-seven times eighty-nine is four thousand one hundred eighty-three. In numbers, that's 47x89=4,183.
Five and seven.
97 is prime. Prime numbers don't have proper factors.
Two and seven.
64, 729, 15625 and so on. Prime numbers to the 6th power.
64, 729, 15625 and so on. Prime numbers to the 6th power.
Start with the factors. Multiply combinations of three prime factors, then combinations of five, then seven, etc. All generated numbers will be guaranteed to have an odd number of prime factors.
105, 210, 315
There is no limit to the infinite number of prime numbers. For example 6,079 is the 793rd prime number, but there are an infinite number of prime numbers much larger like 38,589,789,473 (thirty eight billion five hundred eighty nine million seven hundred eighty nine thousand four hundred seventy three). Prime numbers are known that have thousands of digits, far to many to list here.
number of prime numbers which are in the seven times tables: 1 prime numbers are in the seven times tables: 7 only