41 and 17
Sum of first 7 prime numbers is equal to 2+3+5+7+11+13+17 = 58.
The two numbers whose sum is 58 and whose difference is 16 are 21 and 37.
They are: 29+31 = 58
65 + 58 = 123 65 - 58 = 7 The two numbers are therefore 58 and 65.
41 and 17
The prime factorization of 58 is: 2 x 29, so 2 and 29 are the two prime numbers that equal 58.
Sum of first 7 prime numbers is equal to 2+3+5+7+11+13+17 = 58.
The two numbers whose sum is 58 and whose difference is 16 are 21 and 37.
The sum of two numbers between 20-40 is 58. The difference is 12
They are: 29+31 = 58
65 + 58 = 123 65 - 58 = 7 The two numbers are therefore 58 and 65.
2 x 29 = 58
92 and 34
25 and 33
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 + 13 + 17 = 58
The numbers are 56 and 58.