For all numbers 0-100 447 can be divided by 3 leaving you with 149. It can be divided by every other number, the answer is just going to be a decimil.
15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 are divided by 5 and 3 and are less then 100
It is one tenth. To explain: A fraction is a decimal converted to fraction form (and vice versa). When you want to convert a decimal to a fraction, count the number of places (numbers or digits) on the right side of the decimal. If it is 1 number, as in 0.1, then that is one tenth, or 1/10. To convert to fraction form, divide the number(s) to the right of the decimal by: * 10 if it's one number, as in 0.1 = 1 divided by 10 = 1/10 * 10 if it's one number, as in 0.3 = 3 divided by 10 = 3/10 It's done the same way no matter what the numbers are, it's how many numbers to the right of the decimal that you go by. For example: * 100 if it's two numbers, as in 0.01 = 1 divided by 100 = 1/100 * 100 if it's two numbers, as in 0.03 = 3 divided by 100 = 3/100
All even numbers can be divided by 2. 6/100 = 3/50
answer is 3 because 27, 54, 81
all numbers can go into 100 equally. For example, if the problem is 100 divided by 3, then the answer would be 33.33333333333
every other number between 100 and 100000 can be divided by 3. therefore there are 100000-100= 99900 numbers between 100 and 100000. and 99900/2= 49950 numbers that can be divided by two between those two (i'm not sure if that includes the endpoints, you'll have to give some serious thought to that one)
For all numbers 0-100 447 can be divided by 3 leaving you with 149. It can be divided by every other number, the answer is just going to be a decimil.
15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 are divided by 5 and 3 and are less then 100
100 divided by 3 is 33 1/3.
What is 100 divided by 2 plus 3
It is one tenth. To explain: A fraction is a decimal converted to fraction form (and vice versa). When you want to convert a decimal to a fraction, count the number of places (numbers or digits) on the right side of the decimal. If it is 1 number, as in 0.1, then that is one tenth, or 1/10. To convert to fraction form, divide the number(s) to the right of the decimal by: * 10 if it's one number, as in 0.1 = 1 divided by 10 = 1/10 * 10 if it's one number, as in 0.3 = 3 divided by 10 = 3/10 It's done the same way no matter what the numbers are, it's how many numbers to the right of the decimal that you go by. For example: * 100 if it's two numbers, as in 0.01 = 1 divided by 100 = 1/100 * 100 if it's two numbers, as in 0.03 = 3 divided by 100 = 3/100