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Q: What numbers can you muliply to get 18?
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A pound has 16 ounces in it. So muliply 18 by 16. The answer would be 288 ounces in 18 pounds.

What is 8 and 3?

they are numbers. and if you add them together you get 11. if you muliply you get 24. if you subtrack you get 5. if you divide 8 by 3 you get 8/3 .

To muliply a number by itself?

Is to square it.

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ok i get this

What do you get when you muliply a nagitive and a positive?

nagative its spelled negative

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add muliply subtract and divide

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2400 - without using a calculator !

How do you change the decimal 20.2 into a percentage?

Muliply by 100: 2020%

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muliply 2501 by 12 and you'll have your answer

Is 9 muliply by 9 82?

No.But you're close.It's 81

How can you get the number 23 by using only number 2?

Muliply 2 by 11.5.