6, 25, 33 & 40 are the four most commonly drawn numbers in the Oz Lotto. Number 30 is the least drawn number.
you win a vagina for free and a cck to masturbate...could come in handy for ur wife or gf..or maybe yourself hahahahaa
If the Lotto is fair then it will not work. There is no way to forecast a truly random process: that is what random means. The numbers - or the processes that generate them - have no memory of what happened before. Each time is like the first time. So unless you believe in superstition, I would not waste my time trying to forecast the numbers. But: You should avoid "popular" patterns. This is not because the pattern is less likely but that if it does come up, the prize will be divided between a lot more people. So, for example, go for numbers above 31 (birth dates in the family are popular choices).
There are no numbers in alphabetical order! In alphanumeric order, numbers come first.
On the number line they do.
algebra come from the study of general property of numbers perticularly the realnumbers
You can go to your official state lotto site to get the official and accurate lotto numbers as they come out. I would trust only that official site to be sure.
most people stick with the same numbers and hope that their numbers come up in the lotto draw
02-04-23-38-46 Mega Ball 23
you win a vagina for free and a cck to masturbate...could come in handy for ur wife or gf..or maybe yourself hahahahaa
from Australian eggs i suppose..
She has come from Australian descent. His mother is Australian. Aren't you the person with the Australian cousin?
The most frequently drawn numbers in the last 100 Mega Millions draws were 51, 29, 48, 03 and 45. In the last 50 draws the most frequently drawn numbers were 04, 29, 46, 48 and 03. In the last 10 draws the most frequently drawn numbers were 06, 29, 36, 51 and 02. For more stats on the most frequently drawn numbers, visit the Related Link.
If the Lotto is fair then it will not work. There is no way to forecast a truly random process: that is what random means. The numbers - or the processes that generate them - have no memory of what happened before. Each time is like the first time. So unless you believe in superstition, I would not waste my time trying to forecast the numbers. But: You should avoid "popular" patterns. This is not because the pattern is less likely but that if it does come up, the prize will be divided between a lot more people. So, for example, go for numbers above 31 (birth dates in the family are popular choices).
No. There is no such thing as Australian kiwi mice.
Because the soil draws in all the rain water. If the nightcrawlers do not come out during the rain they will drown.