350 to 449 -- 100 numbers
350 to 449 -- 100 numbers
350 to 449
350 to 449
They are 350 and 450.
350 to 449 -- 100 numbers
350 to 449 -- 100 numbers
399, 398, 397, 396, 395
There aren't any numbers that round to 350 to the nearest hundred.
350 and up to
350 to 449
350 to 449
It depends on the degree to which the numbers are being rounded. 300 to the nearest 200, for example.
They are 350 and 450.
The answer is 2,800. To estimate the product of 2 numbers, you round to the nearest ten or hundred. In this case, you would round 73 to 70, and 403 to 400, to make it easy to multiply. 70 x 400 = 2,800