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Q: What numbers get more negative on a number line?
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Why can't any negative integer be greater than a positive integer?

Look on the numbers on the number line. Numbers more to the left are smaller than numbers more to the right (assuming the number line is written in the standard position). All negative numbers are less than zero; positive numbers are more than zero.

Where do you use negative numbers?

you use negative numbers when measuring the temperature when playing golf or jeopardy! hope this helps! The only place negative numbers work is on paper. It is good when you are having trouble to answer a question.When you need help i would use a number line because it saves getting the answer wrong or even use your fingers because getting the answer wrong is more embarrasing than using your hands/fingers or using a number

Is negative 7 or 6 more?

One way to look at this is to use a number line. Numbers to the right on a number line are greater (more) than numbers to the left. For example 3 is to the right of, and greater than 2. Similarly, zero is to the right and greater than -1. So which number is more to the right, negative 7 or 6. If we interpret your question as is -7 or-6 greater, then we can see that -6 is to the right of -7 (closer to approaching zero), so -6 is "more" than -7.

Is the cube of a number bigger than the square of a number?

-- If the number is more than ' 1 ', then yes. -- If the number is ' 1 ' or less, including negative numbers, then no.

What happens when you square root a negative number?

The square root of a negative number is not real. However, there is a field of numbers known as the complex number field which contains the reals and in which negative numbers have square roots. Complex numbers can all be expressed in the form a+bi where a and b are real and i is the pure imaginary such that i2=1. Please see the related links for more information about complex and imaginary numbers.

How is negative a more than zero?

Negative numbers are less than zero, not more.

When you make a lineplot how do you decide what numbers to put on the number line?

It depends on what numbers you are using in your problem. For example... x > 2You would do a line plot with two in the middle and about two more numbers on each side.

What are complex numbers?

A complex number is a number with a real and an imaginary part.Look at the links I will place below to find out moreA complex number is any number that can be represented as the sum of some number on the real number line and some number on the imaginary number line, a number line perpendicular to the real number line that contains multiples of sqrt(-1), which is more commonly denoted as i.

What is the missing number in the sequence?

What is the missing number in the sequence is a Math question under the Sequences lesson. In this type of question, a line of numbers is listed with one or more numbers missing, so that the student has to work out what the number is.

One or two definitions of integers?

An integer is what is more commonly known as a whole number. It may be positive, negative, or the number zero, but it must be whole. In some cases the definition of whole number will exclude the number zero, or even the set of negative numbers, but this is not as common as the more inclusive use of the term. Integers are the numbers people are most familiar with, and they serve a crucial role in virtually all mathematics

What is the mathematical importance of imaginary numbers?

The mathematical importance of an imaginary number is to allow the result of a square root of the imaginary number to equal a negative number. One can find more extensive information on imaginary numbers and their importance on the Wikipedia website.

What are integer numbers?

Integers are the positive and negative whole numbers with the addition of 0. The positive integers are the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. The negative integers are the numbers -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, etc. 0 is neither positive or negative.any whole number that is positive, negative, or the number 0