The numbers that go into 45 are 1, 5, 9, 45
45 = XLV
73 is a prime number, but 45 is not a prime number.
45 and 19 are the numbers.
There are 45 such numbers.
Evenly, the numbers 5 and 9 can "go into" the number 45.
The numbers that go into 45 are 1, 5, 9, 45
The product of two prime numbers can never be another prime number, the numbers that you multiplied are factors of the product. (example, 9 times 5 is 45, 9 and 5 go into 45)
There is only one number that equals 45.That number is: 45
45 = XLV
73 is a prime number, but 45 is not a prime number.
45 has only one number and that is 45. It is odd so 45 has one odd number.
45 and 19 are the numbers.
There are 45 such numbers.
3 is one of the prime numbers of 45.