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Q: What numbers have two lines of symmetry?
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What numbers have two or more lines or symmetry?

nothing actually

Which other numbers from 3 through 9 have lines of symmetry?

8 has lines of symmetry.

Where are the two lines of symmetry in a obtuse triangle?

There are no lines of symmetry.

Does 0 have a lines of symmetry?

In this font it has two lines of symmetry.

How many lines of symmetry does a nephroid have?

A nephroid has 2 lines of symmetry.

What shapes have two lines of symmetry?

Ellipses and non-square rectangles have two lines of symmetry.

What numbers 1-10 have lines of symmetry?


How many lines of symmetry does a parallelagram have?

A parallelagram can be a square, which has four lines of symmetry or a rectangle which has two lines of symmetry but the generic parallelagram has zero lines of symmetry

How many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have?

Squares, which are parallelograms, have four lines of symmetry. Rectangles have only two. Rhombi have two lines of symmetry. Generic parallelograms don't have any lines of symmetry.None normally unless it is in the shape of a rectangle in which case it will have 2 lines of symmetry

Can a quadrilateral have two lines of symmetry?

Yes. Some example of this are:Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)

What figure has two lines of symmetry?

Equilateral Triangles (3 lines of symmetry)Rectangles (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Squares (4 lines of symmetry)Rhombuses (at least 2 lines of symmetry)Any regular polygon (at least 5 lines of symmetry)

What are figures that have two lines of symmetry?

Rectangles and Rhombuses (have at least 2 lines of symmetry).