Prime numbers raised to the 4th power can make five different rectangles. They can make the following sizes:
1 height by n4 width
n height by n3 width
n2 height by n2 width
n3 height by n width
n4 height by 1 width
24 = 16; rectangles would be 1 x 16, 2 x 8, 4 x 4, 8 x 2, and 16 x 1
34 = 81; rectangles would be 1 x 81, 3 x 27, 9 x 9, 27 x 3, and 81 x 1
5 x 8 = 40, so 40 tiles are in this rectangle.
1*100, 2*50, 4*25, 5*20, 10*10.
You can make about 5
5 rectangular shapes. But 9 if, for example, a 3*12 rectangle is considered as being different from a 12*3 rectangle.
Any multiple of 5 will do.
Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, you can make a rectangle with 1 tile, 3 tiles, 5 tiles, and so on up to 45 tiles. That's like, 23 different rectangles in total. But hey, who's counting, right?
Using all five tiles, only one rectangle can be made. (1 tile wide by 5 tiles long) Using less than all five tiles, you could make six different rectangles. (squares are technically rectangles too.) The rectangles possible would be: 1 tile wide by 5 tiles long, 1 wide by four long, 1 wide by 3 long, 1 wide by 2 long, 1 wide by 1 long, and 2 wide by 2 long.
3*5 = 15 tiles.
You could make 5 rectangles with 10 squares
5 x 8 = 40, so 40 tiles are in this rectangle.
1*100, 2*50, 4*25, 5*20, 10*10.
You can make about 5
5 rectangular shapes. But 9 if, for example, a 3*12 rectangle is considered as being different from a 12*3 rectangle.
Any multiple of 5 will do.
1*45 3*15 5*9 and the same rectangles turned through 90 degrees.