In today's modern usage of Roman numerals MCMXLVII is the equivalent of 1947 but the ancient Romans would have most probably wrote them out quite differently
In todays notation of Roman numerals it is: MCMXLVII
In today's modern usage of Roman numerals MCMXLVII is the equivalent of 1947 but the ancient Romans would have most probably wrote them out quite differently
In today's notation they represent 1947
July= IVL. (IVLIVS) 7=vij 1947=MCMXLVII Therefore, July 7 1947 is IVL. vij MCMXLVII in Roman Calendar.
X - X - MCMXLVII (but in early Rome, the tenth month was December)Roman numerals read from left to right, starting with the highest value numeral. The numeral MCMXLVII is made up of the units M (1000) + CM (9000) + XL (40) + VII (7) which quite clearly add up to 1947, they follow the correct rules relating to order and as such MCMXLIV is the accepted form of writing 1947 in Roman numerals. MDCCCCXXXXVII also follows these rules and it therefore numerically correct but it is long and unwieldy, which is why the shorter form MCMXLVII is generally used.VLMMII is just plain wrong. The numerical order is incorrect as the highest value numeral should come first. V can precede L but should not precede any larger numeral. The same website also indicated that L can precede C but should not precede M, so placing VL before MM clearly contravenes these rules.* Additionally, modern uses (e.g. Super Bowl XLV) follows a more restrictive use of V, L, and D, where they are never a subtractor, e.g. VX = V and VL is undefined.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: MCMXLVII
In today's terms it is written out as: MCMXLVII