If it's Roman Numerals then the symbol is M
C = Centum (Latin for "hundred")
As Roman numerals: 205 = CCV
A bar over the repeated numerical value.
In the standard numerical system, there is no symbol for "million". It is instead expressed as a number (i.e. 3) with six zeros (0) following it. Together it would be 3,000,000.In the Roman numeral system, one million is represented by the letter M. Multiples of one million are expressed by an added letter.
it is "M"
If it's Roman Numerals then the symbol is M
THE SYMBOL FOR Flow Meter is : FI as Flow Indicator
7 and a half.
C = Centum (Latin for "hundred")
As Roman numerals: 205 = CCV
The Terminator ,
A bar over the repeated numerical value.