An assembly hall. The wingspan of a large plane. a medium sized yacht.
The point of a sharpened pencil.
70m (metres) = 7,000cm (centimetres)
That depends: * On the size of the 3D object * On the size of the cubes
Similar with an object would be a side by side search for matching characteristics of objects, comparable. Similar to would be an overall sameness.
The point of a sharpened pencil.
Including the try-zone (max size): 144m by 70m = 10080 472.44ft by 229.66ft = 108500.57 Excluding the try zone (max size): 100m by 70m = 7000 328.08ft by 229.66ft = 75346.85
south 70m
There is no such country named "austrialia". Lol:) But, Australia is comparable in size to the United States of America (aka: USA)
The Hope Diamond measures as follows:Weight -- 45.52 caratsLength -- 25.60 mm or just over one inchWidth -- 21.78 mm or about three-quarters of an inchDepth -- 12.00 mm or about three-eights of an inchA comparable object might be an unshelled walnut.
It is comparable to the size of the state of California.
7000cm = 70m
About 230ft (70m)