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Q: What objects is used to store a set of vales in a single variable name in javasript?
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What object is used to store a set of values in a single variable name?

In the simplest case, that would be an array. However, many programming languages also have other types of collections - single objects which, in turn, can contain several other objects.

What is the purpose of array objects in JavaScript?

An array object is used to store multiple values in a single variable. This de-clutters everything and is extremely useful. An array can be created in three ways, regular, condensed and literal.

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In Java a primitive data type called 'Char' is used to store a single character of text.Char myChar = "a";

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A single memory position variable can store only one value of its type. An array can store n number of values, where n is the size of the array.

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NO. Variable capacitory can store a small charge

Explain Single dimensional array concepts C programming?

The idea of an array is to store data for different related items, using a single variable name. The different items are distinguished by a subscript (a number, which may also be a variable or some other expression)

In Java where do instance variables stored in memory?

An instance variable is part of an object. Therefore, it gets stored together with the object, on the heap. The heap is the part of memory which is used to store objects.An instance variable is part of an object. Therefore, it gets stored together with the object, on the heap. The heap is the part of memory which is used to store objects.An instance variable is part of an object. Therefore, it gets stored together with the object, on the heap. The heap is the part of memory which is used to store objects.An instance variable is part of an object. Therefore, it gets stored together with the object, on the heap. The heap is the part of memory which is used to store objects.

What is a single line of code that will create a double percision variable called p and store 1.921 x 10-16?

double p= .0000000000000001921;

How array differ from ordinary variable?

ordanry variable store one value at a time. arrays are used for storing more than one value at a time in a single variable name ordanry variable doesnt have subscript. array must have subscript syntax for ord. variable Datatype v1,v2...... syntax for array variable Datatype v1[n1],v2[n2].....

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Difference between array and pointers in c plus plus?

A pointer is simply a variable that can store a memory address and has the same purpose in both languages. The only real difference is that C++ pointers can point at objects (instances of a class) and indirectly invoke their methods, whereas pointers in C (which is not object oriented) cannot.