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Eventually the two charges will have to balance out with what we call lightening?

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Q: What occurs when positive and negative electrical changes build up in the clouds?
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What occurs when positive and negative electrical charges build up in clouds?


Thunder occurs when positive and negative electrical charges build up in the clouds.?

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What are the negative and positive charges in clouds called?

Positive charges in clouds are called protons, while negative charges are called electrons. When these charges become separated within a cloud, it can lead to the formation of lightning.

What kind of energy does clouds that produce lightning have?

Clouds that produce lightning have electrical energy. This energy is generated by the separation of positive and negative charges within a cloud, which results in the discharge of lightning as a way to balance these charges.

What couses lightning?

Lightning is a result of the build-up of electrical charges in the atmosphere, primarily within clouds. When the difference in electrical charge becomes large enough, a discharge occurs in the form of a lightning bolt that travels between the charged regions to neutralize the imbalance.

What are the positive and negative of HR's involvement in that area?

because of the negative force that has accumleated from manyyears in the clouds. then that negative charge dies

What time does lightning and thunder happen?

When negative and positive come to gether in the clouds.

What are the clouds made up?

Clouds are made up of tiny water droplets or ice crystals that have condensed around particles in the air, such as dust or pollution. These droplets or crystals gather together to form visible clouds that we see in the sky.

How is an charge produced in a thunderstorm?

There is a negative and positive charge between the clouds or the sky and the ground. The positive charge is attracted to the negative. So positive begins to charge up before basically attacking the negative which is the ground.

Lightning forms when charges drop to the lower parts of a cloud and charges build up on the ground below?

When clouds become charged due to the separation of positive and negative charges, lightning can occur when the electrical imbalance is released as a bolt of electricity. This discharge can happen within a cloud, between clouds, or from a cloud to the ground.

Does lighting form with positive or negative charges?

The lighting is always a negative charge, but it can flow both from the clouds and down, as well as from the ground and up.

Does lightning come from the clouds?

The source of lightning in thunderhead clouds is when there is a significant amount of ice in the cloud, most likely hail and there are 2 differing charges in 2 areas. The negative charge is at the bottom of the cloud, while the positive charge is at the top of the cloud. The ground is positively charge until there is an electrical discharge between the negatively charged cloud base and the positively charged ground, then it becomes mostly negative which then can open up the opportunity for a lightning bolt to jump from the top of the cloud, all the way down to the ground in another electrical discharge that is of greater electrical potential (voltage) than the first electrical discharge between the cloud base and the ground. This is because it takes more voltage to have a visible electrical discharge over a longer distance. There has to be 30,000 volts/cm of distance for a visible electrical discharge to occur.