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Q: What one is always part of what one says?
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the clit of courseeeHe says he always looks at hands first.

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Glycerol is always a part of every triglyceride and phospholipid.

Or is always what part of speech?

"were always dismal" is more than one part of speech. were - verb always - adverb dismal - adjective

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"were always dismal" is more than one part of speech. were - verb always - adverb dismal - adjective

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I've always heard she says: "Always be yourself there's no one better!"

Is the word always an action verb in a sentence. when it says some one is always a president in the country.?

Yes it is an action verb.

What does the statement mean What one is is always a part of what one says?

Our own personality comes out in our speech. The words we use, the tone of our voice, how fast we talk, our vocabulary, how we compose our sentences etc all reflect to some degree who we are as a person.

Who said discretion is the better part of valor?

Falstaff in Shakespeare's "Henry IV, Part One," says it.

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If he is always flirting with you, but says that he does not like you, then he probably only wants one thing. And you know what that is. Forget him and move on.

He says he wants counseling before he returns home but we dont date and iam the one always calling him?

he says he wants counseling before he returns back to the marraige,but we dont date,and iam the one always calling him, he rarley calls me

What should you do to your hair?

My uncle always says, I mean always says brush and wash.