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Q: What one word contains three of itself?
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Two is greater than one and less than three.

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deeded - to be given the deeds to somewhere/something

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envelopeAn envelope usually contains only one letter.

How many errors do you count if the word has three incorrect letters?

you count one error for each word. even if it contains many errors.

What is and eight letter word containing three I's?

Inimical comes to mind, but I'm sure there are others. I can do you one letter better: a 7 letter word that contains three Is is "idiotic".

What does unavoidably mean?

The word "unavoidable" is a very self explanatory word that contains the definition within itself. The word "unavoidable" means to be inevitable, as in one cannot avoid it.

You will come three times in a minute two times in an hour one time in a day what are you?

A vowel .. As the word "minute" contains 3 vowels (I , U , E ) , The word "hour" contains 2 vowels (O and U) and the word "day" contains only 1 vowel (A)

Which word contains the smaller word lend?

One word that contains -lend is blend. Another is blender.

Is it self one word or two?

"Itself" is one single word.

What is a word that contains the root Boreal?

One word that contains the root "boreal" is "borealis."

What is one word that contains all the letters of the alphabet?

There is no such word.

What word has unus in it?

One word that contains "unus" is "unusual."