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Q: What operations is the set -1 0 1 closed to A Addition B Division C Multiplication D Subtraction?
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What are the fundamental operation of math?

the fundamental operations in math are, addition +, subtraction -, division /,and multiplication x ..

Which to operations are done first division or subtraction or multiplacation or addition?

Do (multiplication/division) before you do (addition/subtraction).

How would 2 pond 60 be shown on a calculator display?

The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).The answer will depend on how the information was entered - in pounds (or ponds) or in pennies, what the operations were - addition/subtraction or -multiplication/division).

What is 4 fundamental operations?

They are: addition, subtraction, division and multiplication

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What are the four operations of arithmetic?

+ - addition _ - subtraction * - multiplication / - division

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What is arithmetic?

Arithmetic is the process of applying the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to numbers.

What is the operations that undo each other?

Inverse Operations: Divison undoes multiplication. Addition undoes subtraction. Subtraction undoes addition. Multiplication undoes division.

Is multiplication before division in order of operations?

"Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction." Therefore multiplication and division are equal.

How many different levels in order of operations?

P.E.M.D.A.S Parenthesis..( ) Exponants Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction Do Multiplication and Division left to right. Do the same to Addition and Subtraction.

What are the methods of four fundamental operations?

addition,subtraction multiplication,division.