The correct answers are: "It came in his mind / to bid his henchmen a hall uprear" (I, 15 16); "How ceaselessly Grendel / harassed Hrothgar . . ." (II, 37 38); "'Who are ye, then, ye arméd men, / mailéd folk . . .'" (III, 49 50); and "'To Hrothgar I / in greatness of soul would succor bring'" (IV, 20 21).
If you think about it youwill know.But a Square has four lines of symmetry.
If by four parallel lines you mean two pairs of parallel lines, then you would be looking for a parallelogram. An example of a parallelogram is at this address: arrowhead lines along the sides designate that the opposite sides are parallel and of the same length. The single and double lines in each section show that the portions of line in each segment are identically sized.
yes, perpendicular lines form four right angles its be cuz two lines are intersects
Each of the four lines is perpendicular - to two of the other lines.
perpendicular lines
A quadruplet is a section in a poem that only has four lines.
In sections XIX-XXI of Beowulf, the main plot points are: Beowulf prepares to fight the dragon to protect his people, he faces the dragon alone as his warriors retreat in fear, Beowulf's sword fails him in battle, and Wiglaf comes to his aid, helping Beowulf defeat the dragon but also getting wounded in the process.
If you are asking about an Elizabethan sonnet, it has 3 quatrains (ababcdcdefef) and a rhyming couplet (gg). If you are talking about a Petrarchan sonnet, the first section is called an octave (8 lines interrhymed--abbaabba) and the second section is called a sestet (six lines interrhymed--cdecde).
you have to make four or five horizontal lines in order to get 100 points.
A stanza of four lines is called a quatrain.
A quatrain is, in poetry, a specific type of poem. There are not many rules to follow, and writing a quatrain is fairly simple. The quatrain contains just four lines. That's it and that's all the rules for writing a quatrain.
The colored section of the Emergency Response Guidebook that contains a table of chemicals in order of their four-digit identification number is the Blue section. It provides a comprehensive list of hazardous materials and their corresponding identification numbers for quick reference during emergency response situations.
A square has exactly four lines of symmetry.
A quatrain is a stanza with four lines.
If you think about it youwill know.But a Square has four lines of symmetry.
They are four lines that coincide pairwise in at least four distinct points.
Four. Qua is a prefix, meaning four.