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You do it in alphabetical order. Example: Licea, Mike Lichaa, Jos Lickey, John Lickey, Kerry

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Q: What order do you list multiple last names?
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What are the key guidelines for citing sources in MLA format for a research paper that includes the names of multiple authors?

When citing sources with multiple authors in MLA format, list all authors' names in the same order as they appear in the source. Use the format: Last name, First name, and First name Last name. Separate the names with commas and use the word "and" before the last author's name.

When putting names in alphebetical order what comes first the first name or last?

Normally lists of names are in alphabetical order according to their surname. But there is nothing to stop you putting the list in order according to first names, especially if it is a list of friends or people that everyone knows.

How should a research paper be formatted in MLA style when citing multiple authors?

In MLA style, when citing multiple authors in a research paper, list all authors' last names in the in-text citation, separated by commas. In the Works Cited page, list the authors in the same order as they appear in the source, using the format: Last name, First name, and First name Last name.

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How do you create an MLA header with multiple names?

To create an MLA header with multiple names, list all the names in the same order as they appear on the title page, separated by commas. Place the header in the top right corner of each page, followed by the page number.

Need a list of Hawaiian last names?

There are many common last names that are used in Hawaii. Here is a short list of Hawaiian last names; Kihike, Kalakona, Mossman, Gutierres, and Haiku.

What author's name should come first on the Works Cited page?

Works cited pages are alphabetized. So, only you can answer this question. Look at the names of the authors of all of your sources. Do yourself a favor and right each on an index card with all of the citation information. place the cards in alphabetical order by last name, then list them on the page in this order.

What is the correct way to format an MLA heading when it includes multiple names?

When formatting an MLA heading with multiple names, list the names in the order they appear on the paper, separated by commas. Place the names in the center of the page, followed by the course name, instructor's name, and due date, all double-spaced.

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Is the list of references organized alphabeticaly by authors last names?

The list of referances should be organized alphabetically by author's last name. In writing the references section, sources should be listed in alphabetical order according to the author's last name. the references section should be listed after completing the main body.

How are items arranged in a reference list?

Items in a reference list are typically arranged in alphabetical order by the author's last name. If there is no author, they are organized by the title of the work. Multiple works by the same author are listed chronologically.

When writing a list of names do you add a coma after the last name before the and?

Yes, you should use a comma after each name in a list of names, including before the "and" that connects the last two names. For example, "John, Emily, and David."