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Q: What organ system and interactions are involved in a mile run in 90 degrees then re-hydrate after you ran?
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Scientists describe interactions in terms of energy by examining how energy is transferred or transformed during the interaction. This involves understanding the initial energy state, the energy input/output during the interaction, and the final energy state of the system. By quantifying the energy changes involved, scientists can predict and explain the outcomes of interactions in various systems.

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The endocrine system is involved in the production and release of hormones.

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The Digestive system.

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Fundamentally the system involved in a reaction to a stimuli is the nervous system.

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The most important substances in biological systems are electrolytes and glucose. These are essential for metabolism, the electrolytes allow the chemical processes to conduct their interactions and the glucose is the energy that is used during metabolism.

What system is involved in ambulation?

The skeletal system, nervous system, and muscular systems are most directly involved with ambulation.

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skeletal system, Digestive and Nervous system.

What is system flow diagram?

A system flow diagram visually represents the flow of information through a system, showing the processes involved and the interactions between different components. It helps in understanding the logic and sequence of operations within a system, making it easier to identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies. System flow diagrams are often used in software development, business process analysis, and system design.