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The liver

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Q: What organs can regenerate even if you lose 80 percent?
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What organ that is one of the biggest organs can regenerate even if you lose over 80 percent of it?

The liver

What is one of the largest of the body and one of the only organs that can regenrate even if you lose up to 80 percent of it?

Answer is self indicating and answer is 'Liver'.

What animals have great powers of regeneration?

Every animal is capable of regeneration to a certain extent, even humans. Only a few animals can regenerate large organs like limbs, though.

What does regenerate hearts mean in Lego Star Wars the complete saga?

Regenerate hearts means every time you lose a heart,it regenerates in a couple of seconds.

If the chair of the board of directors says there is a 50 percent chance this company will earn a profit a 30 percent chance it will break even and a 20 percent chance it will lose money next quarter?

The chair of the board of directors says, "There is a 50 percent chance this company will earn a profit, a 30 percent chance it will break even, and a 20 percent chance it will lose money next quarter".

How many laps would you have to walk to lose 90 pounds in 2 weeks if you weigh 178?

It would be physically impossible to lose that much weight that fast. And it would be very unhealthy to lose even ten percent of that in two weeks.

How do frogs regenerate?

Frogs can regenerate their tails as tadpoles, but they lose all their regenerative capacity after metamorphosis

Do leopard geckos lose their tail and if so, is it a common occurrence?

Yes, leopard geckos can lose their tail as a defense mechanism when threatened. This is a common occurrence among leopard geckos, and their tails can regenerate over time.

If someone weighed 200 pounds and lost 58 what percent did they lose?

29 percent

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If you lose 50% on a mutual fund, you would then need 100% growth to be back to even. For example, if you had $100 invested and lost 50%, you would have $50. You would then need to double that (same as a 100% return) to get back to $100.

Which groups of organisms rely on kidneys?

Did you mean organs? All of them. If you lose your kidneys, you die.

What can you go into if you lose 30 percent of your blood?

A coffin.