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Q: What other conclusions can you draw from the data you collected in your table?
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What other data do you need to further support your conclusion?

A reliable investigation will allow you to make conclusions that are supported by the data you have collected,and that reflect the findings of other scientists.

What term describes the data collected during an experiment?

The term that describes the data collected during an experiment is "experimental data". This data is gathered through observations, measurements, and other methods during the experimental process to analyze and draw conclusions.

What is tabulating data?

Summarizing collected data into table

Why are data graphs used in a laboratory investigation?

To provide a visual representation of the data collected to draw conclusions from the data.

Manipulation of the collected data for the purpose of drawing conclusions is known as what term?


The info collected during an experiment is called?

The information collected during an experiment is called data. This data is used to analyze the results of the experiment and draw conclusions based on the findings.

Is a survey a primary source?

Yes, The data collected in a survey is a primary source, and conclusions based on that data would be a secondary source.

Information collected about people or things often to draw conclusions about them?

Data is collected about individuals or objects in order to analyze and draw conclusions. This process involves gathering, organizing, and interpreting information to make informed decisions or predictions based on patterns or trends identified in the data.

Is the Observation made during an Experiment are called data?

Yes, observations made during an experiment are referred to as data. Data can include measurements, descriptions, and other information collected during the experiment to support analysis and conclusions.

Can you come to a conclusion from a table?

Sure you can. You might conclude that the table is clean, or dirty, or made of plastic or wood, or both. You might determine that the table is broken, and know whether it can be fixed or whether it needs to be replaced. Lots of conclusions can be drawn from a table. A table of data might lead you to draw other conclusions, accurately or inaccurately.

What term refers to information gathered to test a hypothesis?

The term is "data." Data is collected and analyzed to test a hypothesis and draw conclusions in scientific research and experiments.

How is scientific data different from conclusions?

Scientific data refers to the measurements or observations collected during an experiment or study, while conclusions are the interpretations or inferences drawn from analyzing the data. Data provides evidence to support or refute hypotheses, while conclusions summarize the findings and implications of the research.