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Q: What other measurements tools do sociologists use to calculate prejudice other than IAT?
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Describe other measurements sociologists use to calculate prejudice?

Sociologists may use measurements such as social distance scales, implicit association tests, and opinion surveys to calculate prejudice. These tools help assess individuals' attitudes towards different social groups and identify the presence and intensity of prejudice in a given population.

What other measurements do sociologist use to calculate prejudice beside the Implict Association Test?

Bogardus scale found at

What is the major difference between how sociologists and psychologists attempt to understand prejudice?

Sociologists focus on how prejudice is shaped by social structures, norms, and institutions, emphasizing group dynamics and societal influences. Psychologists, on the other hand, study prejudice at the individual level, looking at cognitive processes, attitudes, and behaviors that contribute to prejudice and discrimination.

What are other measurements needed to calculate speed?

To calculate speed, you need distance and time measurements. The speed can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. It helps provide information about how fast an object is moving.

How do other people's prejudice affect your life?

how do other peoples prejudice affect your life ?

How are equations used in physical science?

Eauations are used in physical science to find measurements. For example, you can calculate force using the equation F=m*a.You can find density, speed and other measurements using equations.Hope this helps

What other words mean prejudice?

Other words that mean prejudice include bias, discrimination, and intolerance.

How close a group measurements are to each other called?

The closeness of measurements to each other is referred to as precision. In other words, precision indicates the degree of consistency between individual measurements.

What other novels have the theme of pride or prejudice other than Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice?

Other novels that explore themes of pride or prejudice include "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Each of these novels delves into the consequences of pride, prejudice, or societal expectations on the characters' lives.

What is it called when two measurements are close to each other?

When two measurements are close to each other, it is called precision. It indicates the level of consistency and repeatability in a set of measurements.

Why is aviation measurements in imperial when all the other measurements are in metric?

0.65237 by 3.57

Did caucasians face prejudice?

I am a Caucasian, and I have faced prejudice from non-Caucasians a few times, so I can safely assume that other Caucasians have faced some sort of prejudice as well. In my case, I think it was "revenge" for the prejudice of Caucasians in the past.