A square is a square. It has 4 equal sides, and each forms a 90 degree angle.
Some shapes that are close to the rhombus are the square and kite.
Yes. Any shape can tessellate if you allow other shapes. The simplest way is to select the other shapes so that the given shape and the "other shapes" can be combined to make a rectangle or square.
no because other shapes have more such as a square
Numbers have square roots.Drawings or shapes on paper don't.Neither do solid shapes or objects.
Any shape, other than a triangle can have a pair of perpendicular sides.
Some shapes that are close to the rhombus are the square and kite.
Yes. Any shape can tessellate if you allow other shapes. The simplest way is to select the other shapes so that the given shape and the "other shapes" can be combined to make a rectangle or square.
it measures the right angled way of a square or any other shapes (90 degrees )
a quadrangle is a rectangle,square,kite,rhoumbus,and other shapses that have four shapes.
a circle and a square they are both shapes
Yes, take a square, cut into 5 shapes.
Triangle: The other shapes have an even number of sides. Square: The numbers of sides on the other two is divisible by 3 Hexagon: For sides of a fixed length, the other two shapes are rigid structures (the square can distort to a rhombus but then it is no longer a square.) or Triangle: It can have all acute angles. Square: It can (must ) have all right angles. Hexagon: It can have all obtuse angles.
It has a triangle and a square.
no because other shapes have more such as a square
One square or rectangle as it's base, and the other sides are triangles.
2 shapes; 1 square base and 4 triangles.
Numbers have square roots.Drawings or shapes on paper don't.Neither do solid shapes or objects.