

Best Answer

a polygon,quadrilateral,parallelogram,rectangle and a rhombus hope this helps if you are having a problem with math

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Q: What other way can you call a square?
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What other names can you call a square?

A square is also a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, and a quadrilateral.

What do they call a square thats a polygon?

They call a square a square.

Is arectangle a square?

No, other way round...

Is a parallegoram always a square?

No, it is the other way round: a square is always a parallelogram.

Is a prallelagram a square?

No, it's the other way round.

Are rectangles squares?

No, but a Square can be a rectangle. Not the other way around.A square is a regular rectangle!No its false

Is a rhombus a square with right angles?

No, it is the other way around: a square is a rhombus with right angles.

Is a polygon a sqare?

No. It is the other way round: a square is a polygon.

What is a other way you can call an Old Soldiers?


How do dolphins call to other herds?

the just call out in their speaking way and say come to me

What does an engineers square do?

it measures the right angled way of a square or any other shapes (90 degrees )

What do you call nonnegative square roots?

You call them principal square roots.