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Q: What other word I can use for ten years?
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When to use the word was?

The word "was" is very useful when you wish to describe something in the past. Fred is fat, but ten years ago he was much thinner.

Where did the term score in reference to years come from?

If you are thinking of the word 'score' as a span of life, it is of biblical origin, Leviticus 12 and Psalms 90 which quotes 'there is a use of it that refers to a span of our lives' - 'the days of our years are three score years and ten'. Also borrowed by Shakespeare in Macbeth as 'Three score and ten I can remember well,' The span of life was then considered to be three score and ten, in other words 70 years

How many years in 8 score and ten?

Eight score and ten is 170-years. A score equals twenty-years. The most famous use of the word score, is in the Gettysburg Address. Score is a slang term for a twenty-dollar bill.

How do you use the word generated in a sentence?

After ten years of losing money, the business finally generated some income. Electricity is generated by several dams in the US Northwest.

What is the English word of the Latin word Decem?

Ten. Next time use Google Translate.

Use the letters in the word hundred to make ten words?


How do you use the word reeled in a sentence?

I reeled in a ten pound bass.

How do you use the word double in a sentence?

In the last ten years, the population of the planet has doubled.

Would you compare the products today with those ten years?

i can say that the products today is more convenient to use than those with ten years ago products

How can you use evanesced in a sentence?

After ten years my childhood memories slowly evanesced.

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What is the word for ten times?

If you are looking for a special word such as "double" for 2x or "triple" for 3x, I don't think there is such a word in common use.