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Q: What part of a keyboard is used to move the cursor quickly across the line to pre-set points?
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What is the Name of keyboard used in cash points?

That's a numeric keypad.

Which tool is used to create restore points in windows xp?

The keyboard and mouse.

What does the ignition condenser do?

It is basically a temporary storage device for electricity. The condenser is a simple capacitor that can store a small amount of current. When the points begin to open, the current flowing through the points looks for an alternative path to ground. If the condenser were not there, it would try to jump across the gap of the points as they begin to open. If this were allowed to happen, the points would quickly burn up and you would hear heavy static on the car radio. To prevent this, the condenser acts like a path to ground. It really is not, but by the time the condenser is saturated, the points are too far apart for the small amount of voltage to jump across the wide point gap. Since the arcing across the opening points is eliminated, the points last longer and there is no static on the radio from point arcing.

How do you get a lot of points in Arctic antics?

The first one is that you go to cursor tryout and then click the 2nd and 5th cursor to get 25 points. Then, you can go to the combination page [click the two penguins at the bottom of the home page] and type short yellow camel, old orange octopus or wide green leaf.

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be good at fifa

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by earning mulch and xp points

Do heavier metals melt more quickly?

the melting points vary .

How do you win tennis?

By scoring more points, more quickly than your opponent.

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Which keyboard command allows you to move the insertion point to a new line without spacing 10 points?

Shift + Enter

What is an across variable?

An across variable is a variable whose value is determined by measuring a difference of the values at the two extreme points of an element.

How many points for running across home plate in baseball?

One run