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Q: What part of a sample of Ge-69 will remain after 15 days if Ge-69 has a half life of 36 hours?
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Thorium-234 has a half-life of 24.1 days. After 48.2 days, half of the sample will remain unchanged. Therefore, 50% of the original 100 g sample, which is 50 g, will be unchanged after 48.2 days.

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The half-life of thorium-234 is about 24 days. Therefore, it would take approximately 96 days for one-sixteenth of the original 54.2 g sample of thorium-234 to remain.

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you will be high for a few hours, not days. if you are a regular user, THC will remain in your body for about 30 days, because it is stored in fat cells.

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At 8.1 days, 400 atoms of Au198 would remain in the sample. This is because after 8.1 days, two half-lives of Au198 have passed, reducing the initial 800 atoms to 400.

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How much of a 20-g sample of radon-222 will remain after eight days?

reference table N: Half Life of Rn-222 is 3.823d = 8/3.823 = # of Half lives = 2.09 (roughly 2) 20g-> 40g-> 80g doesn't say anything about decay so assume to increase since how much will remain in 8days Ans: 80g

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it all really depends on your body. for me it took eight days. I had to do court ordered drug tests

How many grams of radium-222 remain in a 12-gram sample after 76 seconds?

After 76 seconds, half of the radium-222 would have decayed (its half-life is about 3.8 days). Therefore, the quantity of radium-222 remaining in the 12-gram sample would be 6 grams.