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Q: What part of the ECG tracing occurs just as ventricular volume reaches 130 mL?
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What is the Process that causes the last 30 percent of ventricular volume to fill?

ventricular systole

Does increasing arterial blood pressure increases blood flow?

YES! Changes in blood volume affect arterial pressure by changing cardiac output. An increase in blood volume increases central venous pressure. This increases right atrial pressure, right ventricular end - diastolic pressure and volume. This increase in ventricular preload increases ventricular stroke volume by the Frank - Starling mechanism. An increase in right ventricular stroke volume increases pulmonary venous blood flow to the left ventricular, thereby increasing left ventricular preload and stroke volume. An increase in stroke volume then increases cardiac output and arterial blood pressure. answered by HappyNess0423

What is equivalent to the ventricular volume during isovolumetric contraction?

The end diastolic volume (EDV)

What period represents the greatest cardiac volume?

ventricular systole

What is the Teichholz formula for ventricular volume determination?

The Teichholz formula is: Volume = 7D3/(2.4+D) (D3 is DxDxD, or D-cubed).

The amount of blood pushed out of the ventricle with each contraction is called?


Which natriuretic peptide is proposed to be a biochemical marker to screen for left ventricular dysfunction?

B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) is proposed to be a biochemical marker to screen for left ventricular dysfunction. It is released from the heart in response to increased ventricular volume and pressure overload, making it a useful indicator of heart failure.

What is the difference between heart rate and ventricular rate?

On an ECG the heart rate will match both ventricular rate and atrial rate if the heart is normal. If people have atrial fibrilation then the ventricular rate will be used on the ECG to work out the rate of the ventricular contraction and vice-versa with ventricular fibrilation. Usually both atrial and ventricular rates match so if the atria contracts at 70 BPM the ventricles will beat at 70 BPM. It is possible for the ECG machine to work out atrial or ventricular rate if needs be. Usually, however, if the ECG machine just displays heart rate then both ventricular and atrial rates match.

What happens to the volume of blood in the ventricle during the period of isovolumetric contraction?

Both ventricular contraction and atrial diastole take place.

Does the mitral valve prolapse increase decrease the stroke volume?

Mitral valve prolapse may decrease the stroke volume, if it is associated with significant backflow. It decreases the effeciency of the left ventricular contraction.

Why does the volume of the river increase downstream?

A river increases in volume as more streams join the main flow in the lower reaches.

Right atrio ventricular valve is tricuspid having low pressure while left atrio ventricular valve is bicuspid while having high pressure Why?

Pressure levels differ in the tricuspid and the bicuspid because of pressure gradients as influenced by volume of inflows.