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Q: What part of the circle is A line segment with both its endpoints on the circumference and which does not pass through the centre of the circle.?
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What is A line segment drawn through the center of the circle with endpoint on the circle?

A line segment drawn through the centre of a circle and having endpoints on the circumference of that circle is called the diameter. Notably, a line segement with one endpoint at the centre of the circle and one anywhere on the circumference of the circle is called the radius, and is exactly half the length of the diameter.

Diameter of circle?

360 degrees * * * * * That is a nonsensical answer. The diameter of a circle is a straight line segment, going from the circumference of the circle, through the centre, to the circumference on the other side.

What is a line segment from to the centre to the circumference of a circle called?

It is called the radius.

How do you describe the midpoinnt of a line segment?

A line segment is defined as having endpoints with the midpoint of the line at its centre

What are the distances from a point on the perpendicular bisector to the endpoints of a segment?

The distance will be length of the line divided by 2 because the perpendicular bisector cuts through the line at its centre and at right angles

An angle with its vertex and endpoints on the circle?

If the vertex is at the centre of the circle then this forms a sector of the circle.If the two endpoints and the vertex form an angle in a segment, then the vertex can be at any point on the circle within the same segment and all angles so formed are equal.

How do you mark equidistant points on circle?

It is the radius from the centre to the circumference or the diameter passing through the centre to both sides of the circumference

What is a diametre?

The diameter (not diametre) of a circle is a segment of a straight line going from the circumference (or perimeter), through the centre of the circle, to meet the circumference on the other side. A diameter of a sphere is defined analogously.

How many meters in a 2 kilometer circle?

There are 2,000 metres in a circle where the circumference (length around it) is 2km. There are 6,283 metres in the circle circumference (c) where the diameter (d - straight line that passes through the centre and whose endpoints are on the circle) is 2km. Using the formula c = Pi * d. Pi = 3.1415 There are 12,566 metres in a circle circumference (c) where the radius (r - line segment from the centre of a circle to the perimeter) is 2km. Using the formula c = pi * 2r. Pi = 3.1415. There are 12,566,00 m^2 in a circle with a radius of 2km. Using the formula area = pi * (r)^2

Circle A has a radius of 3 m What is the length of the longest chord in circle A?

A chord of a circle is a line segment whose two endpoints lie on the circle. The diameter, passing through the circle's centre, is the largest chord in a circle. So the answer is 6 m

Both the red and the blue line segment stretch from the center of the circle to a point on the circle the length of the blue line segment is 15 how long is the red line segment?

Any straight line from the centre to the circumference is a radius and all are the same length.

What does the radius have to pass through?

The radius must pass through some point between the centre of the circle and its circumference.