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Q: What part of the graph tells what the bars or lines present?
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What part of the graph tells what the bars or lines represented?


What part of the graph tells what the bars or lines represent?


What part of a bar graph tells what the bars or lines represent?

The axis labels.

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What part of a graph tells what the bars or lines represet

What part of the graph tells you what the bars or lines represent?

There are various different ways to graph information, but the part that tells you what the bars or lines represent is called a label. A label might appear next to a line, or a bar, or it might only appear on the x axis and the y axis.

What part of a graph tells what the bars or graph represents?

the x-axies

What part of a graph tells the bars or line represents?

the x-axies

What part of a tells what the bars or lines represent?

the x-axies

Which part of the graph tells what the bars or lines represent?

The legend of a graph typically explains what each bar or line represents. The legend is usually located either above, below, or to the side of the graph. It uses colors, symbols, or patterns to match each element to its corresponding label.

Are a line graph and bar graph the same?

No! Bar and line graphs are different bar graphs show bars and line graph shows lines.

What is definition of Bar Graph?

A bar graph is a visual display formed by lines or bars across a scaled grid. The relative lengths of the bars (horizontal or vertical) indicates the values represented.

What is the definition of a bar graph?

A bar graph is a visual display formed by lines or bars across a scaled grid. The relative lengths of the bars (horizontal or vertical) indicates the values represented.