Half of an hour = 1/2 hour...(1) Hours in a day = 24 hours and 1 hour = 1/24 day...(2) From the above two results, we get Half of an hour = (1/2)/24 day = 1/48 day
Given: 8 hours per day 2 hours per problem 8 hrs/day X 1 problem/2 hours = 4 problems/day One can produce four "fixes" per day.
twice i think
1 2 hour walks
1/48 of a day is roughly equal to 2 percent of a day
Half of an hour = 1/2 hour...(1) Hours in a day = 24 hours and 1 hour = 1/24 day...(2) From the above two results, we get Half of an hour = (1/2)/24 day = 1/48 day
1/2 hope that helped
1 hour a day
It takes 1 day 2 hour
he was a professor for 1 day 1 hour 2 minutes and 0.3 seconds
Given: 8 hours per day 2 hours per problem 8 hrs/day X 1 problem/2 hours = 4 problems/day One can produce four "fixes" per day.
the percent form of 1 2 is 50 percent.
running gets easier to do
The hands do not overlap between 11 to 12, so only 22 overlaps per day. --------------------------------- 1 of 2: Cjcarr2000 answer: --------------------------------- It occurs 12 times a day Overlap Time = Hour : (Hour * 5) 12:00, 1:05, 2:10, 3:15, 4:20, etc. --------------------------------- 2 of 2: Stormnoone answer: --------------------------------- It occurs 22 times a day. (as Digbybare said, and not 24 as i was said at first) Exact times = Hour : ( Hour * 65 / 12 ) that is, when it is "1:05", the hour hand has moved from '1' to '2' (that total distance is 5 minutes) as the minute hand has moved from '12' to '1' (that is exactly 5 minutes, or Hour * 5); so the Hour hand must has moved "Hour / 12" of the 5 minutes: = Hour : [ (Hour * 5) + (Hour / 12) * 5 ] = Hour : [ (Hour * 5) + (Hour * 5) / 12 ] => we take out the common (Hour * 5) = Hour : [ (Hour * 5) * (1 + 1/12) ] = Hour : [ (Hour * 5) * 13/12 ] = Hour : (Hour * 65/12). ------------------------- So the Successive exact time should be 1 : ~5.4 2 : ~10.8 3 : 16.25 4 : ~21.67 5 : ~27.08 6 : 32.5 ......,and so on.