25 is what percent of 27= 25 / 27= 0.925926Converting decimal to a percentage:0.925926 * 100 = 92.59%
8% of 25 is 2 and so 25+2 = 27
108 percent = 1.08; 108/100 or 27/25
25 is what percent of 27= 25 / 27= 0.925926Converting decimal to a percentage:0.925926 * 100 = 92.59%
You could round 27% to the nearest 5% and get 25%.
27/25 = 108%
It is: 25%
108 x .25 (25%) = 27
Well, honey, 108 percent is just 1 and 8/75 as a fraction in its lowest terms. So, there you have it, simple as pie.
8% of 25 is 2 and so 25+2 = 27
25% of 60 is 15.
108 percent = 1.08; 108/100 or 27/25