54 is 150 percent of 36
Actually, 36 is not 150% of 54.36 is 66.67% of 54.
To find what percent 54 is of 150, you would divide 54 by 150 and then multiply by 100. So, 54 divided by 150 is 0.36. Multiplying 0.36 by 100 gives you 36%. Therefore, 54 is 36% of 150.
150% of 36 is 54.
The formula for finding the percent is =The given number/Total number *100 Here the given number is 36 . The total number is 150 . Therefore Percent = 36/150*100=24%
0.36 x 150 = 54
36 + 54 = 90
It is: 36/54 = 2/3
The LCM of 36 and 54 is 108.
2/3 X 54 = 108/3 = 36