420 / 70 = 6Converting decimal to a percentage: 6 * 100 = 600%
30% off $420 = $420 - (0.3 x $420) = 294
The highest or greatest common factor of 420 and 294 is 42.
40% of 420 is 168.
30% of 294 = 88.2
420 / 70 = 6Converting decimal to a percentage: 6 * 100 = 600%
30% off $420 = $420 - (0.3 x $420) = 294
The highest or greatest common factor of 420 and 294 is 42.
The greatest common factor of 294 and 420 is 42.
294/0.6 = 490 Therefore, the number that 294 is 60 percent of is 490.
30% of 294 = 30% * 294 = 0.3 * 294 = 88.2
40% of 420 is 168.
The GCF is 6.
82 percent of 420 is 344.4
30% of 294 = 88.2
The Highest Common Factor (HCF) of 294 and 420 is the largest number that divides both 294 and 420 without leaving a remainder. To find the HCF, you can use methods such as prime factorization or the Euclidean algorithm. In this case, the prime factorization of 294 is 2 x 3 x 7 x 7, and the prime factorization of 420 is 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 x 7. Therefore, the HCF of 294 and 420 is 2 x 3 x 7, which equals 42.