42 is 100*42/210 = 20% of 210 but if it is 210' then you need to specify the units for 42 as well.
Multiply 210 by 0.20 (20 percent in decimal form) 210 x 0.2 = 42. 42 is 20 percent of 210 pounds.
42 is thirty percent of 140.
42 * 5 = 210
The greatest common factor of the numbers 294 and 210 is 42.
The LCM is 210.
Multiply 210 by 0.20 (20 percent in decimal form) 210 x 0.2 = 42. 42 is 20 percent of 210 pounds.
42 is 20% of 210
210, as a percentage of 500 = 100*210/500 = 42 %
20/100 x 210 = $42
42 is thirty percent of 140.
5 = 210 /42
42 * 5 = 210
The greatest common factor of the numbers 294 and 210 is 42.
42 1*42 = 42 3*42 = 126 5*42 = 210
The GCF is 42.