48 / 45 = 1.066667Converting decimal to a percentage: 1.066667 * 100 = 106.67%
45 percent = 0.45 or 45%
25 percent of 48 is 12. You cannot write the 12 as a percent because it is the part of 48.
48 percent to a decimal = 0.4848% = 48%/100% = 0.48
48 + (.45 x 48) = 69.6
48 / 45 = 1.066667Converting decimal to a percentage: 1.066667 * 100 = 106.67%
45: 1,3,5,9,15,45 48: 1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,48
48 + 45 = 93
45 % is same as 50% - 5% So halve the number for 50% then divide that by 10 to get 5% Example: 45% of 96 is calculated as [50%] 96 / 2 = 48 [5%] 48 / 10 = 4.8 Then 48 - 4.8 = 43.2 Check : 96 x 0.45 = 43.2 on calculator. QED
125 percent percent of 48 = 0.6
45 percent = 0.45 or 45%
48 out of 2400 is what percent
25 percent of 48 is 12. You cannot write the 12 as a percent because it is the part of 48.
the GCF of 45 48 and 18 is 3
30 percent of 48 is (0.3 x 48) = 14.4 30 percent is (0.3/48) = 0.00625 of 48