Rounded to the nearest whole number, 49/100, or 0.49, is approximately equal to 0.
You would round it up - to 49.
A whole number is a number in itself that is not a part of a number, as in a fraction, decimal or percent. 49 is a whole number in itself.
Rounded to the nearest whole number, 49/100, or 0.49, is approximately equal to 0.
It is 49
To round 48.6 to the nearest whole number, we look at the digit in the tenths place, which is 6. Since 6 is equal to or greater than 5, we round the whole number up. Therefore, 48.6 rounded to the nearest whole number is 49.
You round up to 49.
You would round it up - to 49.
When rounding any whole number 49 or less to the nearest hundred, the answer is zero.
A whole number is a number in itself that is not a part of a number, as in a fraction, decimal or percent. 49 is a whole number in itself.
You would round it up - to 49.
49, 23 and 8 respectively.