33 out of 55= 33 / 55= 0.6Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.6 * 100 = 60%
Expressed as a percentage, 33/60 x 100 = 55 percent.
To find the percentage of 33 out of 60, you would divide 33 by 60 to get 0.55. Then, multiply this decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage, which equals 55%. Therefore, 33 is 55% of 60.
40% off of $55 = $55 - (0.4 x $55) = $33
It's $33 off, $27 still on.
33 out of 55= 33 / 55= 0.6Converting decimal to a percentage: 0.6 * 100 = 60%
55% of 60 is 33
Expressed as a percentage, 33/60 x 100 = 55 percent.
To find the percentage of 33 out of 60, you would divide 33 by 60 to get 0.55. Then, multiply this decimal by 100 to convert it to a percentage, which equals 55%. Therefore, 33 is 55% of 60.
40% off of $55 = $55 - (0.4 x $55) = $33
It's $33 off, $27 still on.
55 times 0.6 finds 60% of it so its 33
55% of 60 = 60*55/100 = 3300/100 = 33
55 + 33 = 88