135 percent of 150 is 202.5
135 is 150% of 90
1.5 * 90 = n 135 = n
100 ÷ 15 = 6.6666666...6.6666666... * 135 = 900
LCM of 90 and 135 is 270.
135 percent of 150 is 202.5
135 is 150% of 90
Well honey, 15% of 900 is 135. So if you were planning on splurging on that sale item, go ahead and treat yourself guilt-free. Just don't come crying to me when your wallet starts feeling a little light.
1.5 * 90 = n 135 = n
50% is one-half, half of 90 is 45 so your answer is 135.
100 ÷ 15 = 6.6666666...6.6666666... * 135 = 900
% rate: = (90/150) x 100% = 0.60 x 100% = 60%
LCM of 90 and 135 is 270.
135 = 13,500 percent
Oh, dude, math time! So, if 90 is 150% of a number, we can find the original number by dividing 90 by 1.5 (since 150% is the same as 1.5). So, 90 divided by 1.5 is 60. Ta-da! The original number is 60. Math can be fun... sometimes.
135 = 13,500%