attached ears as in stapled or like born with it,
if stapled- 1%
if born with it- 99%
Five people and one racoon, horse, mouse, squirrel, turtle, or dog.
people say elfs look little,chubby cheeks,green suits for christmas,pointed ears,pointy shoes,and a cute little smile
when a sound is presented to the two ears simultaneously there is a summation of the acoustic energy reaching the two ears. (Hamill & Price , plural publishing 2008)
because your ears actually have a tube that reaches to your mouth. it is small but it still counts and can be felt. a cold is bacteria building up in your mouth and back of your throat area. the bacteria grows and can clog the tubes that go to your ears, hence the ear plugging.
An alien
Studies show that roughly seventy percent of people in the world have detached earlobes, leaving thirty percent with attached earlobes. However, this is only a rough estimate based on data collected.
No, "Heather's ears are attached" is not a plural possessive sentence. It is a singular possessive sentence because it shows that the ears belong to Heather.
beyonce looks FAKE
The cores of ears of maize are called cobbs. These are the thick, cylindrical structures to which the kernels are attached in rows. Each kernel on the cob is a seed.
There are four muscles attached to it that make it large.
The muscles that are attached to bones are attached by tendons. Cartilage is used as a shock absorber between certain bones and to provide structure in certain places such as your ears and nose.
Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears was created in 1975.
The ISBN of Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears is 0803760892.
A cute one would be a frame that has dog ears attached to the back.
ppl have ears because they are cool like that
why as we age do our ears grow bigger
for most people it does hurt to get your ears pierced.