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Close to two-thirds of the sorghum grown in the United States is used as livestock feed.

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Q: What percent of sorghum is used for feed?
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What is the consumer market for sorghum?

sorghum (cereal grasses, also called milo) is used primarily for livestock feed.

What is a sentence with the word sorghum?

Sorghum is a type of cereal grain that is widely used for food, animal feed, and biofuel production.

What foods contain sorghum?

grain, animal feed, alcoholic beverages, cereal, sweeteners, sorghum syrup, sorghum molasses, sorghum flour, sorghum ethanol, and sorghum malt.

Is sorghum a monocot or a dicot?

Sorghum is a monocot, belonging to the Poaceae family. It is a type of grass that produces grains commonly used for food and animal feed.

What is sorghum and what is it used for?

Sorghum is cereal grass and you use it to make syrup !!

Can horses eat sorghum?

There are species of sorghum which are developed especially for animal feed, and we have fed them with great success. However, when feeding sorghum to horses, one should be certain what kind of sorghum is being grown and that the grower knows how to properly manage, cure and bale the crop. Unless you really know what you are doing, letting your horse graze on growing sorghum or Sudan grass can be a risky proposition.

Is sorghum syrup safe for horse treats?

Sorghum molasses is already in a number of horse treats.

What does as thick as flies around a sorghum mill mean?

Sorghum is a genus of grasses, one of which is raised for grain, and others of which are used to feed animals. A sorghum mill is a building that refines raw sorghum grain into other products such as granular sugar or sorghum juice.The author of this simile presents the sorghum mill as a place where a large quantity of "flies" might congregate to feed on the glucose-rich plant and reproduce. Flies are insects of the order Diptera that possess a pair of wings and a pair of hind wings on the thorax.The word "thick" implies both a large quantity of flies and heightened activity due to the attractiveness of the sorghum. The author might imply that the comparable event is equally ravenous, highly populated, or attractive. However, without the context of the simile any further speculation would be hogwash. In fact, this whole answer might be hogwash.

Sweet feed for brewing?

Is called a mash and any grain will do: corn, rye, wheat, sorghum, barley or a combination of any or all.

Is most of the worlds rice crop used to feed livestock?

False, 95 percent of the worlds rice crops are user to feed humans..

What is difference between sorghum and molasses?

Sorghum is thicker and lighter in color and has a milder taste than molasses. They can be used in place of one another in any recipe.

What is the difference between 10 percent and 12 percent horse feed?

They are the percentage of protein in the horse feed.