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Q: What percent of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglosaxons?
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What percent of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons?

100% of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons.

About 80 percent of common English is made up of words that were actually derived from what older language?

between 50% and 80% of the most common words are Germanic. The majority of scientific and mathematic words come from Latin with astronomy and chemistry from Arabic

How many of your common words have roots in old English?

Approximately 60% of common English words have roots in Old English. This includes everyday words such as "house," "food," and "water."

What words end with - iuos?

There are no common English words that end with -iuos.

What is a word for contagious on sight?

sight words are the most common words in the English language

English language parents gives us words originally associated with the common folk?

Some examples of English words with origins in common folk include "beef" (from Old French "boeuf"), "chicken" (from Old English "cycen"), and "apple" (from Old English "æppel"). These words were originally used by the common people in everyday speech.

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English words that were originally associated with common people are most likely from which language?

old english

What four common English words have no other words that rhyme with them?

Three of them are colors: silver, purple, and orange.The fourth word is month.There are plenty of other English words that don't rhyme (i.e., angst, scalp, twelfth, depth, width) but these four are by far the most common non-rhyming English words.

What are the 100 most common English words?

They are on the Related Link below.

How many words make up 45 percent of every thing written in English?


What are the longest two words in the English dictionary which are pronounced exactly the same but have no letters in common?

The longest two words in the English language that are pronounced exactly the same and have no letters in common are "loaner" and "owner."