Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
80 as a percentage of 140 = 100*80/140 = 57.14%
the new number divided by the old nuumber e.g If the new price is : £56 and the original price : £80 the percentage depreciation is: 56 / 80 = 0.7 ( the percentage decrease)
Oh, dude, you're hitting me with some math here. So, like, to find out what percent 112 is of 140, you divide 112 by 140 (which is 0.8), then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. So, 112 is 80% of 140. Math, man.
80% of 175= 140
80 add 60 = 140
60 - 140 = -80
140 - 80 = 60
140/80 = 7/4 = 1.75
80% of 140= 112
22.2222% decrease.
80 % of 140= 80/100 X 140= 4/5 X 140= 4 X 28= 112