12.5% decrease.
Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
The numerical decrease is 120 - 84 = 36. The percentage decrease is thus 100 x (36/120) = 30%.
84% to 96% are Shinto and Buddhists
84/96= 87.5%
84% to 96% are Shinto and Buddhists the rest I believe are Christians
84/96 = 7/8
The lowest common multiple of 84 and 96 is 672
84/96 = 7/8
Both 84 and 96 are divisible by 12, so 84/96 = 7/8.
The GCF is 12.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 84/96 = 0.875.