12.5% decrease.
Decrease from 140 to 84 = 56 Percentage decrease = 56/140 * 100 = 40%
The numerical decrease is 120 - 84 = 36. The percentage decrease is thus 100 x (36/120) = 30%.
84% to 96% are Shinto and Buddhists
84/96= 87.5%
84% to 96% are Shinto and Buddhists the rest I believe are Christians
84/96 = 7/8
The lowest common multiple of 84 and 96 is 672
84/96 = 7/8
Both 84 and 96 are divisible by 12, so 84/96 = 7/8.
The GCF is 12.
Oh, dude, that's an easy one. The numbers with the most factors are the ones with the most divisors, like 60 and 72. They have 12 factors each, beating out all the other numbers from 1 to 100. So, if you're throwing a math party and need some numbers with lots of friends, those are the ones to invite.