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The box represents 50%. Each whisker represents 25%.

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Q: What percentage does each section of a box and whisker plot represent?
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Related questions

How do you create a parallel box-and- whisker plots?

Parallel box and whisker plots are regular box and whisker plots, but drawn "one-above-the other" on the piece of paper. To enable to do this easily, draw an x-axis which is big enough for the largest value in the data, and small enough for the smallest value in the data (in the entire collection of data). Plot each box-and-whisker diagram below each other.

How do you get a whisker from Cerberus?

jump when he attacks and land on each one of the heads after jumping

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Would you please indicate where we can see the graph when you resubmit your question.

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How do you use a box and whisker plot?

Box and whisker plots are used to give a visual indication of where quartiles and highest/lowest values fall, so they're useful for visually comparing various sets of data. The "whisker" on the left extends to the lowest value in the data range (the left-most point). The first edge of the "box" indicates the lower quartile, the middle line in the box represents the median quartile, and the upper edge of the box represents the 3rd quartile. The "whisker" on the right extends to the highest value in the data set. Clearly when using many box and whisker plots, and comparing them to each other, it helps greatly if you use the same scale on each plot. Sometimes it may be decided that your lowest/highest data values are "outliers" (anomalous results), in which case they are still included in the box and whisker plot, but they should be demarcated by a hollow circle wherever the outlier is deemed to be.

Why does each state have senator?

to represent each state

What is the longest cat whisker?

The length of a cat varies greatly from each individual and breed. The average cat is around 46 centimeters (18 inches) in length, not including the tail. However, some cats can be smaller or larger than this.


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Within the operations section a director supervises each?

Within the Operations Section, a Director supervises each