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The answer depends on the context: percentage of WHAT! For example, the Cenozoic era takes up approx 0% of the age of the universe.

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Q: What percentage does the Cenozoic era take up?
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What percent of time did the Cenozoic era take up?

The Cenozoic era makes up about 66 million years, which is approximately 22% of the Earth's total geological time scale of approximately 4.6 billion years.

What are the three era's in phanerozoic eon?

The three eras in the Phanerozoic eon are the Paleozoic era, Mesozoic era, and Cenozoic era. These eras represent distinct periods in Earth's history with unique biological and geological developments. The Phanerozoic eon spans from approximately 541 million years ago to the present day.

What period makes up nearly all of the Cenozoic's era?


Why is the shortest era on the timeline the Cenozoic era divided into so many smaller divisions?

You can't say it's the shortest, its length is unknown as of now because the Cenozoic era isn't over yet. But it is divided into smaller sections because the most geological and biological changes have happened during the Cenozoic Era, so they break it up, get it?

Which era had the most mammals and birds?

The answer is Cenozoic in the beginning of this era there were few mammals and birds but longer down the road more animals appeared as the era continued.And so my answer would be Cenozoic but i am not completely sure.:(ANSWER ABOVE IS INCORRECTMesozoic is the correct answer small mammals evolved during the Mesozoic era, with reptiles, as did birds. The full potential and releasing of mammals came in the Cenozoic, when the mass extinction of 20% of the Mesozoic's species happened.

What are the eras of the phanerozoic?

The Phanerozoic Eon(542Ma - now) is made up of the Paleozoic Era(542 - 251 Ma), the MesozoicEra(251 - 65.5Ma) and the Cenozoic Era(65.5Ma - now)

What are the different kinds of Era?

This three eras was included in the Proterozoic Eon.The first Era was the Paleoproterozoic Era;next is the Mesoproterozoic Era;then the last is the Neoproterozoic Era. This another three eras was according to the Phanerozoic Eon.The first Era was the Paleozoic Era;followed up by the Mesozoic Era;then the lastly was the Cenozoic Era.

What geological events were in mesozoic era?

Some of the major geological events in the Mesozoic era include the breakup of the supercontinent Pangaea, leading to the formation of new oceans and mountain ranges. This era also saw significant volcanic activity, including the eruption of the Siberian Traps and the Deccan Traps, which had environmental impacts. Additionally, the Mesozoic era was marked by sea level fluctuations and the development of coral reefs.

What is precambrian order?

85% of earths history and the earliest era that exists. bacteria mostly survived then and built up oxygen until a mass extinction.The. Era had many extinctions because of large variations in climate is what mesozoicor cenozoic or precambrian which one

Cenozoic Era life-forms include?

Cenozoic Era life-forms include mammals, birds, flowering plants, and various marine life such as whales and dolphins. This era saw the diversification and expansion of many groups of organisms that we still see today.

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What are the major subdivisions of geologic times?

The major subdivisions are the Precambrian, Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic, which are subdivided into Archean and Proterozoic (Precambrian), Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous (or Missisipian and Pennsylvanian in the US) and Permian (Palaeozoic), Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous (Mesozoic) and Tertiary and Quaternary (Cenozoic). For a graphical representation, see