1.3514% increase.
74 X 65 = 4810
31 out of 74 as a percentage is about 41.891891% (891 repeats).
90+84+65+71+90+74 = 474
From 74 hours to 85 hours is a 14.8649% increase.
55.4054% increase.
1.3514% increase.
65 to 74
65 To 74
74 X 65 = 4810
74 * 65 = 4550 + 260 = 4810
The [percentage increase is 100*(65-45)/45 = 100*20/45 = 44.4%
31 out of 74 as a percentage is about 41.891891% (891 repeats).
90+84+65+71+90+74 = 474
the answer is 87.8%