18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
18 out of 30 as a percentage is 60%.
Percentage of 18 out 20 is 90%.
Expressed as a percentage, 18/100 x 100 = 18 percent.
13 out of 20 as a percentage is 13/20 * 100; which is 65%.
13 is 72.22% of 18.
1318 = 131800% 13/18 = 72.22%
percentage of 18 = 1800% 18 * 100% = 1800%
18 as a percentage of 45 is 40%
18 out of 30 as a percentage is 60%.
13 is what percent of 18 = 13 / 18 = 0.722222 or 72.2%
18/20 as a percentage is 90%
Percentage of 18 out 20 is 90%.
Expressed as a percentage, 18/100 x 100 = 18 percent.
It is 18 - (-13) = 18 + 13 = 31